6 February 2021
I felt that this market went very smoothly overall. In general, I’m more comfortable behind the stall. Being in the same location each market helps a lot with organising and preparing everything by myself. That being said, it would be great to have a social media and marketing guru to assist with the promotion of the juices. And maybe also a fruit ninja to prepare all the fruit for juicing!
After all, juicing is really the heart of this business, so I was pleased to have tested the Kuvings CS700 cold press juicer during this market. It gave me much more confidence to continue juicing without worrying that the juicer would overheat (which happened last market). I also set myself up with my own Square reader, which will hopefully be the first of many investments for this juice stall. My god, there are so many things to consider as a small business, the list seems endless! I guess the nice thing about this is that I have a real focus on my days off, and I also feel I’m enjoying more time on my terms, which is one of the many reasons behind this new venture.
The beautiful thing in particular about this market was that I began to recognise familiar customers. Getting to know my regulars by name is definitely something I would like to focus on, so hopefully this continues each market, and I can slowly build the juice stall up!
In terms of the product itself, I’m glad to have come up with another flavour and garnish combo which seemed to work well. I’ve received great feedback with the juices, especially the presentation. As a result, I’m feeling more settled on the idea of offering a daily juice rather than being drawn into offering a selection. However, I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, just get in touch!
